Archivi tag: cena con delitto

Murder Mystery Dinner

Improve your English, play a murder mystery dinner! Fai pratica con il tuo inglese e partecipa ad una Cena con Delitto in lingua inglese.

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Murder Mystery Dinner

A Murder Mystery Dinner is a popular type of dinner theater in which the play is a murder mystery, and the diners are invited to solve the mystery as they eat and watch the play. Continua a leggere

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The winners of the Murder Mystery Dinner

The winners of the Murder Mystery dinner of 20 May 2015. They having brilliantly solved The Case 201 “Festa in campagna”. Congratulations detective!  

Pubblicato in Cena con delitto, Murder Mystery Dinner | Contrassegnato , , , | Commenti disabilitati su The winners of the Murder Mystery Dinner